A/Prof Grant Logan is a Research Scientist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney. He has extensive experience in the development and application of viral vector systems with a particular interest in the immunobiology of gene therapies, particularly those using adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors.
His research seeks to understand how host-vector interactions prevents long-term AAV transgene expression as well as to use AAV gene therapy for leveraging immunity as a powerful 'pressure point' to control chronic and remitting diseases, such as autoimmunity and rheumatological disorders. Grant has worked and consulted for the Biotech industry and is a credited inventor on multiple patents.
He is also an Honorary Hospital Scientist at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead developing serological services to detect AAV antibodies in patients to determine gene therapy eligibility. Grant has worked in the fields of human and environmental virology and is a member of the Gene Therapy Technical Advisory Committee to the Federal Government’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator.