ProCan is examining the proteome of human cancer tissues using a Mass Spectrometry technology platform. We are analysing tens of thousands of cancer samples representing the entire spectrum of cancers, paediatric and adult.
The overall program is constructed as a series of collaborative studies focussed on cancer sample cohorts. Each study is designed to answer an important clinically-relevant question, especially relating to treatment response and prognosis.
To achieve this, each sample cohort must be accompanied by demographic and clinical data, especially clinical follow-up information.
Ideally, sample cohorts also have other 'omic data available, so that the proteomic data can be analysed in the context of other molecular information.
For each sample cohort that is used for discovery phase studies, one or more additional cohorts are needed for validation.
To facilitate translation of results into routine clinical practice, we prefer to analyse formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples.
For each tissue sample, a matched H&E stained tissue section is used for histopathology review, and an adjacent thicker section is submitted for proteomic analysis. Detailed specimen preparation protocols are available and the ProCan Cancer Pathology group can assist collaborators to prepare and transport materials.