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Thumbelina Committee

Thumbelina Committee

Established in 1964

The Thumbelina Committee began in 1958 when Sir Lorimer Dods (co-founder of CMRI) approached Averil Spender (Trenerry) to form a committee to fundraise for Children’s Medical Research Foundation (now known as the CMRI). The committee was made up of doctor’s wives and their friends and was known as the Rainbow Committee.

In 1967 the name of the committee was changed to the Thumbelina Committee.

Over the years, the committee have hosted many different fundraising events from the Soup and Spook Day, to the Bus and Boat Day, to a magic show. The committee also like to host fashion parades, trivia nights and theatre parties.


We will always remember our endearing patron, the indefatigable Naomi, who would cajole and extract financial support from anyone and everyone, even from her hospital bed.

Thumbelina Committee

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